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    This page documents a history of a specific aircraft. The details provided vary from aircraft to aircraft and are dependent on the research and amount of data uploaded to the Aerial Visuals database.

    Airframe Family: Douglas DC-1 / DC-2/R2D / DC-3 Dakota / C-47/R4D Skytrain / C-53 Skytrooper
    Latest Model:C-47A-65-DL
    Last Military Serial:K-684 RDAF
    Construction Number:19054
    Last Civil Registration:N3239T
    Compressed ID:Douglas C-47A-65-DL sn K-684 RDAF c...
    Latest Owner or Location:Warbird Air Museum, Space Center Executive Airport (North East Side), Titusville, Florida

    If you can add to the history or would like to submit a correction please use the editor to do so.

    If you have a photo of this airframe to share then use the photo upload tool.

    The Airframes Database depends on user contributions to stay current.
    If you have any news about this airframe or photos which you would like to share please do so
    by using the links above.
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    Constructed as a C-47A-65-DL by Douglas at Long Beach, California, USA.

    Circa 1942

    Taken on Strength/Charge with the United States Army Air Force with s/n 42-100591.

    Taken on Strength/Charge with the Royal Norwegian Air Force with s/n 2100591.

    Taken on Strength/Charge with the Royal Danish Air Force with s/n 68-684.

    New serial number assigned: K-684 RDAF

    14 September 1975

    Photographer: Niels Helmo-Larsen
    Notes: Landing Avnoe Air Base (Flying School)

    Photographer: Niels Helmo-Larsen
    Notes: Copenhagen, Kastrup Airport on a rainy day!

    6 January 1983

    To Valiant Air Command Inc, Titusville, FL with new c/r N3239T.

    Based at Valiant Air Command Museum, Space Center Executive Airport (North East Side), Titusville, FL.
    View the Location Dossier

    Markings Applied: Tico Belle

    11 March 1987

    Certificate of airworthiness for N3239T (DC3C-S1C3G, 19054) issued.

    14 March 1987

    Photographer: Larry Johnson
    Notes: At Ti-Co Airport in Florida in 1987

    By April 1995

    Markings Applied: Tica Belle, U5, S

    2 April 1995

    Photographer: Robert Nichols
    Notes: at Patrick AFB Open House Fl

    2 April 1995

    Photographer: Robert Nichols
    Notes: detail of nose art - it was named Tica Belle at that time

    9 July 2001

    Summary: The damage to the airframe was substantial. There were 14,153 hours on the airframe at the time. The demonstration flight departed Southern Pines-Pinehurst Airport, NC (SOP/KSOP), United States of America and was destined for Titusville-Space Center Executive Airport, FL (TIX/KTIX), United States of America. The accident occurred at Titusville-Space Center Executive Airport, FL (TIX) (United States of America) while landing. The airframe was repaired. Narrative: The DC-3 was returning from an air show and the crew were on a visual approach to Titusville runway 27...
    For a complete description of the event read the Aviation Safety Network Report.

    Circa 9 July 2001

    Certificate of airworthiness for N3239T issued.

    9 July 2001

    The accident occurred at the Spacecoast Regional Airport (TIX) Titusville, FL, United States while landing. The damage was substantial. During an attempted landing at the Titusville Space Coast Regional Airport in Titusville, Florida, the airplane bounced three feet into the air. A decision was made by the PIC to go-around. Upon application of power, the airplane turned sharply left. On the second bounce, the airplane veered left, the left wing came up and the airplane veered right...
    For a complete description of the event read the NTSB Report.

    Markings Applied: Tico Belle, Z8, 2100591, V

    11 March 2006

    Photographer: James Eubanks
    Notes: Tico Warbird Airshow, Space Coast Regional Airport, Titusville FL

    23 June 2009

    First post-restoration Flight.
    Flew at Titusville.

    16 February 2010

    Photographer: Mike Henniger
    Notes: Photographed at the Valiant Air Command Museum in Tittusville, FL.

    16 February 2010

    Photographer: Mike Henniger
    Notes: Photographed at the Valiant Air Command Museum in Tittusville, FL.

    15 April 2010

    Photographer: James Eubanks
    Notes: Sun-n-Fun, Lakeland FL

    15 April 2010

    Photographer: James Eubanks
    Notes: Sun-n-Fun, Lakeland FL

    By 26 July 2010

    Markings Applied: 2100591,

    26 July 2010

    Photographer: Todd Royer
    Notes: EAA Airventure 2010

    1 January 2011

    Certificate of airworthiness for N3239T (DC3C-S1C3G, 19054) issued.

    2 April 2012

    Photographer: Terry Fletcher
    Notes: C-47 Flightdeck At Valiant Air Command Museum, Titusville

    2 April 2012

    Photographer: Terry Fletcher
    Notes: C-47 Interior At Valiant Air Command Museum, Titusville

    22 March 2013

    Photographer: Robert Bourlier
    Notes: TICO Airshow, Titusville, FL.

    22 March 2013

    Photographer: Robert Bourlier
    Notes: TICO Airshow, Titusville, FL.

    16 March 2014

    Photographer: Robert Bourlier
    Notes: TICO Airshow, Titusville, FL.

    To Warbird Air Museum, Space Center Executive Airport (North East Side), Titusville, FL.
    View the Location Dossier

    This dossier is waiting for review by an editor.This airframe dossier is based on
    unreviewed imported data.
    If you can verify the documented history or add to it with additional text and/or photos please feel free to do so by using the upload tool and the history editor.

    Data for airframe dossiers come from various sources. The following were used to compile this dossier...

    Internet Sources
    Airbus, Boeing, Convair and Douglas Production List
    Aviation Safety Network
    Federal Aviation Administration in the United States of America
    National Transportation Safety Board
    United States Military Services Serial Number Lists by Joe Baugher

    Individual Contributors
    Mike Henniger
    Robert Nichols

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