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    This page documents a history of a specific aircraft. The details provided vary from aircraft to aircraft and are dependent on the research and amount of data uploaded to the Aerial Visuals database.

    Airframe Family: Lockheed U-2
    Latest Model:U-2D
    Last Military Serial:56-6721 USAF
    Construction Number:Article 388
    Compressed ID:Lockheed U-2D sn 56-6721 USAF cn Ar...
    Latest Owner or Location:Blackbird Airpark, Palmdale, California

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    Constructed as an U-2A by Lockheed at Oildale, California.


    Taken on Strength/Charge with the United States Air Force with s/n 56-6721.

    Transferred to Detachment G. CIA, Edwards AFB, CA.

    October 1957

    To 4080th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing, Laughlin AFB, Del Rio, TX.

    3 August 1959

    During a training flight by a Taiwanese pilot Major Mike Hua the engine flamed out at 70,000 feet. After gliding over 200 miles the pilot managed to belly-land at Cortez, CO. The failed engine could not supply enough power for hydraulic system to lock the gear down.

    4 August 1959

    Photographer: USAF
    Notes: U-2A 56-6721 after belly-landing at Cortez, Colorado made the previous night.Courtesy of Cortez Aviation Heritage Society.


    Converted to an U-2D.
    While undergoing repairs, was modified to accommodate a second crewman as well as a suite of equipment to measure infrared emissions from aircraft and missiles.

    December 1959

    Transferred to Special Project Branch, 6512th Test Group, Edwards AFB, CA.

    Circa 1960

    Photographer: National Museum of t United States Air Fo
    Notes: A USAF U-2D at Edwards AFB, Calif., around 1960. The devices above and behind the cockpit include an infrared sensor installed to test the Missile Detection and Alarm System (MIDAS). This technology supported development of satellites to detect Soviet ballistic missile launches. The upper part of the aircraft is painted black to avoid confusing the sensor in the white dome above the cockpit. A second crewman behind the pilot operated the MIDAS instruments. (U.S. Air Force photo)

    From 1960 to 1961

    Used in the project Low Card later renamed Smokey Joe in support of Missile Detection and Alarm System (MIDAS) satellite development. It monitored rocket launches out of Cape Canaveral, examining their exhaust plumes with optical spectrometer sensors. These sensors would eventually be installed on satellites which would monitor and report any potential Soviet intercontinental ballistic missile launches.

    From 1960 to 1961

    Flown from Hickam AFB to track KH-2 Corona reconnaissance satellites film capsules after re-entry.


    Used IR sensor to monitor X-15 experimental aircraft launch.

    May 1968

    Received new instruments for a series of 31 test sorties in support of Program 949.

    From Circa May 1968 to October 1968

    Participated in Program 949, the development of a space-borne missile warning system. These tests, involved flights from Hanscome Air Force Base, MA, and Patrick Air Force Base, FL. In June 1969 Program 949 was renamed Program 647 known as DSP (Defense Support Program). The DSP satellites detect missile or spacecraft launches and nuclear explosions using infrared sensors.

    Used for thunderstorm research and camera evaluations for NASAs TIROS and Nimbus weather satellites.

    From Circa 1971 to Circa 1977

    Served as a chase plane for Compass Cope reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles program.


    Photographer: Unknown


    Struck off Strength/Charge from the United States Air Force.

    To National Museum of the United States Air Force Loan Program, Wright Field, Dayton, OH.
    View the Location Dossier

    From 1980 to 1996

    Loaned to March Field Air Museum, March ARB, Riverside, CA.
    View the Location Dossier

    Circa October 1990

    Photographer: Tom Tessier
    Notes: At March Field Air Museum when museum was still on base.

    Circa 2001

    The work was carried out at Lockheed Martins facility at Air Force Plant 42.

    Loaned to 95 ABW/MU, Edwards AFB, CA.

    November 2001

    Placed on display with Blackbird Airpark, Palmdale, CA.
    View the Location Dossier

    26 May 2013

    Photographer: Terry Fletcher
    Notes: At the Blackbird Airpark, Palmdale, California

    29 April 2016

    Photographer: Mike Henniger
    Notes: Photographed at the Blackbird Air Park in Palmdale, California.

    2 May 2017

    Photographer: Marcin Rogowski
    Notes: At the Blackbird Airpark in Palmdale, CA, USA.

    This dossier is waiting for review by an editor.This airframe dossier is based on
    unreviewed imported data.
    If you can verify the documented history or add to it with additional text and/or photos please feel free to do so by using the upload tool and the history editor.

    Data for airframe dossiers come from various sources. The following were used to compile this dossier...

    Internet Sources
    Aerial Visuals - The Locator by Mike Henniger, Senior Editor
    Blackbird Air Park
    National Museum of the United States Air Force

    Individual Contributors
    Paul Furst
    Mike Henniger
    Marcin Rogowski

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