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    This page documents a history of a specific aircraft. The details provided vary from aircraft to aircraft and are dependent on the research and amount of data uploaded to the Aerial Visuals database.

    Airframe Family: de Havilland Canada DHC-2/L-20/U-6 Beaver
    Latest Model:U-6A Beaver
    Last Military Serial:57-6165 US
    Construction Number:1268
    Last Civil Registration:N490K
    Compressed ID:de Havilland Canada U-6A sn 57-6165...
    Latest Owner or Location:Katmai Air Llc, Anchorage, AK

    If you can add to the history or would like to submit a correction please use the editor to do so.

    If you have a photo of this airframe to share then use the photo upload tool.

    The Airframes Database depends on user contributions to stay current.
    If you have any news about this airframe or photos which you would like to share please do so
    by using the links above.
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    Constructed as an U-6A.

    21 October 1958

    Taken on Strength/Charge with the United States Army with s/n 57-6165.

    From 14 January 1972 to 13 May 1975

    Transferred to the Military Aircraft Storage and Disposal Center (MASDC) with inventory number 57-6165 and stored with the markings: HS076.

    Circa June 1975

    To Department of Fish and Game, Olympia, WA with new c/r N513F.

    By 1978

    To General Aircraft, Seattle, WA keeping c/r N513F.

    1 February 1978

    To Harold J. Hanson, Seattle, WA keeping c/r N513F.

    July 1978

    Involved in an incident.
    Summarized NTSB narrative from report number ANC78FAA31: There were no fatalities. Incident occurred at 16:30 hours. The damage was substantial. The flight departed from Bettles, AK, with the destination Unknown/not Reported. Collided with a dirt bank during the initial climb. The factors included; wet soft ground. Incident occurred at or near Bettles, AK.
    For a complete description of the event read the NTSB Report.

    21 August 1981

    To Burrard Air Ltd, Port Moody, BC with new c/r C-GRCX.

    8 September 1982

    To Air BC Ltd, Richmond, BC keeping c/r C-GRCX.

    28 March 1984

    Certificate of airworthiness for N513F (DHC-2, 1268) issued.

    28 March 1984

    To Paul Claus/Claus Outdoor Adventures, Chitina, AK with new c/r N513F.

    To Ultima Thule Inc, Ciiitina, AK keeping c/r N513F.

    19 September 1992

    The accident occurred at the Brysons Bar Airstrip Airport Chitina, AK, United States while taking off. The damage was substantial. Pilot/owner of lodge operating de havilland DHC2 landed at 1200 foot river bar strip and loaded 4 passengers and light cargo in no more than 10 minutes. Takeoff aborted just prior to planned takeoff when pilot reported lack of acceleration with normal engine power. Overrun into trees beyond airstrip, collision with trees substantially damaging aircraft...
    For a complete description of the event read the NTSB Report.

    29 August 2001

    To John Swinko, Anchorage, AK keeping c/r N513F.

    24 August 2003

    The accident occurred at the Trading Bay Airport Kenai, AK, United States while landing. The damage was substantial. The pilot reported he was landing his tailwheel airplane to the south on a private gravel airstrip. He said there was a direct crosswind from the east of between 5 and 10 knots. Shortly after touchdown, he lost control of the airplane and it ground-looped to the left...
    For a complete description of the event read the NTSB Report.

    15 January 2004

    To Katmai Air Leasing Llc, Anchorage, AK with new c/r N490K.

    By November 2004

    Based at Lake Hood, Anchorage, AK.
    View the Location Dossier

    1 May 2007

    Certificate of airworthiness for N490K (DHC-2, 1268) issued.

    21 May 2008

    Photographer: Terry Fletcher
    Notes: At Lake Hood, Anchorage, Alaska

    5 October 2009

    The accident occurred at King Salmon, AK, United States while taking off. The damage was substantial. He said that the purpose of the flight was to demobilize a remote fishing lodge at the end of the season. The pilot reported that during the takeoff run he realized that the airplane would not become airborne before reaching the departure end of the lake and he closed the engine throttle in an attempt to abort the takeoff...
    For a complete description of the event read the NTSB Report.

    29 May 2019

    To Katmai Air Llc, Anchorage, AK keeping c/r N490K.

    This dossier is waiting for review by an editor.This airframe dossier is based on
    unreviewed imported data.
    If you can verify the documented history or add to it with additional text and/or photos please feel free to do so by using the upload tool and the history editor.

    Data for airframe dossiers come from various sources. The following were used to compile this dossier...

    Print Sources
    U.S. Military Out of Service 2010 by Andy Marden

    Internet Sources by Neil Aird
    Federal Aviation Administration in the United States of America
    National Transportation Safety Board

    Individual Contributors
    Terry Fletcher

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