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    This page documents a history of a specific aircraft. The details provided vary from aircraft to aircraft and are dependent on the research and amount of data uploaded to the Aerial Visuals database.

    Airframe Family: North American B-25/PBJ Mitchell
    Latest Model:TB-25N Mitchell
    Last Military Serial:44-30734 USAF
    Construction Number:108-34009
    Last Civil Registration:N9079Z
    Compressed ID:NA TB-25N sn 44-30734 USAF cn 108-3...
    Latest Owner or Location:Delaware Aviation Museum, Sussex County Airport, Georgetown, Delaware

    If you can add to the history or would like to submit a correction please use the editor to do so.

    If you have a photo of this airframe to share then use the photo upload tool.

    The Airframes Database depends on user contributions to stay current.
    If you have any news about this airframe or photos which you would like to share please do so
    by using the links above.
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    Constructed as a B-25J-17-NC by North American at Kansas City, Kansas, USA.

    16 February 1945

    Taken on Strength/Charge with the United States Army Air Force with s/n 44-30734.

    22 February 1945

    Assigned to Garden City Army Air Field, KS for storage.

    8 April 1945

    Assigned to 4168th Base Unit, South Plains Army Air Field, TX for storage.

    3 July 1947

    Assigned to 4141st Base Unit, Pyote Army Air Field, TX for storage.

    18 September 1947

    Taken on Strength/Charge with the United States Air Force with s/n 44-30734.

    Circa November 1948

    Redesignated as TB-25J.

    24 November 1948

    Transferred to 3575th Pilot Training Wing, Vance AFB, OK.

    18 December 1952

    Transferred to 3560th Basic Training Wing, John Connally AFB, TX.
    Used for navigator and bombardier training.

    March 1954

    Transferred to 102nd Radar Calibration Flight, New York ANG, Westchester Field, NY.
    Used to test and train airborne radar systems for the Air Defense Command fighters.

    April 1955

    Converted to a TB-25N.

    Circa 1956

    Transferred to 137th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron (ANG), Charleston AFB, SC.

    15 February 1957

    Transferred to 115th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, California ANG, Van Nuys, CA.
    Used for proficiency and type ratings.

    From May 1958 to 1959

    Assigned to Arizona Aircraft Storage Branch, Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ for storage.

    December 1959

    Struck off Strength/Charge from the United States Air Force.

    From December 1959 to 1966

    To Donaire Inc, Phoenix AZ with new c/r N9079Z.

    Operated as fire service #32.

    March 1966

    To Hubert H. Clements, Indiantown FL keeping c/r N9079Z.

    January 1968

    To Clements (and) Howe Aviation, Indiantown FL keeping c/r N9079Z.
    Citrus crops sprayer in Florida.

    From 1973 to 1982

    To SST Aviation Museum, Kissimmee FL keeping c/r N9079Z.

    Circa 1976

    Photographer: Larry Johnson
    Notes: I shot this aircraft by the long gone SST Air Museum in central Florida


    To Bob Bolin, Patrick ONeil (and) Jack Myer/BOM Corp, Wichita Falls TX keeping c/r N9079Z.

    13 May 1985

    Photographer: Tom Tessier
    Notes: At Reese AFB, TX.

    May 1986

    Photographer: Tom Tessier
    Notes: At Sheppard AFB, TX Open House

    May 1986

    Photographer: Tom Tessier
    Notes: At Sheppard AFB, TX. Open House.

    11 July 1986

    Certificate of airworthiness for NL9079Z (TB-25N, 44-30734) issued.

    March 1987

    Photographer: Larry Johnson
    Notes: In TIX.

    13 May 1988

    Photographer: Tom Tessier
    Notes: At Reese AFB, TX.

    18 September 1988

    The accident occurred at the Kickapoo Downtown Airport (T47) Wichita Falls, TX, United States while landing. The damage was substantial. During a period of light rain at dusk, the B-25 pilot landed on a 4250 feet runway. While landing, the aircraft touched down long fast. Subsequently, it went off the departure end of the runway was damaged.
    For a complete description of the event read the NTSB Report.

    March 1990

    Photographer: Robert Bourlier
    Notes: Valiant Air Command Airshow, Titusville, FL. Notice that the chin guns have not been installed.

    March 1991

    To Richard F. Korff, Lewiston NY keeping c/r N9079Z.

    Markings Applied: 430734, Panchito

    11 May 1992

    To Aero Classics Inc, Lewiston, NY keeping c/r N9079Z.

    20 June 1993

    Photographer: Mike Henniger
    Notes: Photographed at the Hamilton International Airshow.

    26 February 1999

    To Rag Wings and Radials Aircraft Leasing Llc, Wilmington, DE keeping c/r N9079Z.

    To Rag Wings and Radials, Sussex County Airport, Georgetown, DE.
    View the Location Dossier

    Photographer: Unknown

    18 March 2006

    Photographer: James Eubanks
    Notes: Thunder in the Valley Airshow, Columbus GA

    9 April 2008

    Photographer: James Eubanks
    Notes: Sun-n-Fun. Lakeland FL

    28 March 2009

    Photographer: Robert Bourlier
    Notes: MacDill Airfest, MacDill AFB, Tampa, FL.

    1 January 2011

    Certificate of airworthiness for NL9079Z (TB-25N, 44-30734) issued.

    4 September 2011

    The accident occurred at the Sussex County Airport (GED) Georgetown, DE, United States while landing. The damage was substantial. According to both pilots, they landed the airplane and felt the right wing drop during the landing roll. They attempted to maintain directional control, but the right wing dropped further and the airplane veered off of the right side of the runway. During a subsequent examination of the wreckage, the right main landing gear shock strut drag arm was found broken...
    For a complete description of the event read the NTSB Report.

    To Delaware Aviation Museum, Sussex County Airport, Georgetown, DE.
    View the Location Dossier

    29 July 2017

    Photographer: Terry Fletcher
    Notes: at 2017 EAA AirVenture at Oshkosh

    16 March 2019

    Photographer: Richard Cook
    Notes: Space Coast Warbird Airshow. Tico Airport Titusville, FL

    10 July 2023

    Certificate of airworthiness for NX9079Z (TB-25N, 44-30734) issued.

    This dossier is waiting for review by an editor.This airframe dossier is based on
    unreviewed imported data.
    If you can verify the documented history or add to it with additional text and/or photos please feel free to do so by using the upload tool and the history editor.

    Data for airframe dossiers come from various sources. The following were used to compile this dossier...

    Print Sources
    U.S. Military Out of Service 2010 by Andy Marden

    Internet Sources
    Aviation History Site by Geoff Goodall
    Delaware Aviation Museum
    Federal Aviation Administration in the United States of America
    National Transportation Safety Board
    The B-25 History Project
    United States Military Services Serial Number Lists by Joe Baugher
    Warbirds Directory, 6th Edition (2013) by Geoff Goodall

    Individual Contributors
    John Bennett
    Patrick Carry
    Glenn Chatfield
    Terry Fletcher

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