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    This page documents a history of a specific aircraft. The details provided vary from aircraft to aircraft and are dependent on the research and amount of data uploaded to the Aerial Visuals database.

    Airframe Family: Boeing B464 / B-52 Stratofortress
    Latest Model:B-52G-95-BW Stratofortress
    Last Military Serial:58-0182 USAF
    Construction Number:464250
    Compressed ID:Boeing B-52G-95-BW sn 58-0182 USAF...
    Latest Owner or Location:National Museum of the United States Air Force, Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio

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    Constructed as a B-52G-95-BW by Boeing at Wichita, Kansas, USA.

    30 July 1959

    Taken on Strength/Charge with the United States Air Force with s/n 58-0182.

    31 July 1959

    To Boeing Production Facility, Wichita, KS (BOEWK).

    Circa August 1961

    Redesignated as JB-52G.

    22 August 1961

    Transferred to Proving Ground Command Center, Eglin AFB, FL (PGCCE).

    28 February 1962

    Transferred to Boeing Production Facility, Wichita, KS (BOEWK).

    31 July 1962

    Transferred to 3201st Maintenance and Supply Group, Eglin AFB, FL.

    31 July 1964

    Transferred to Proving Ground Command Center, Eglin AFB, FL (PGCCE).

    22 March 1972

    Transferred to Special Weapon Center, Beale AFB, CA (SWCCE).

    2 June 1972

    Transferred to Air Force Flight Test Center, Edwards AFB, CA (AFTCE).

    4 June 1975

    Photographer: USAF
    Notes: Wearing an unusual all-white test scheme.

    Circa July 1977

    Redesignated as B-52G-95-BW.

    13 July 1977

    Transferred to 92nd Bomb Wing, Fairchild AFB, WA.

    10 October 1978

    Transferred to 320th Bomb Wing, Mather AFB, CA.

    24 March 1983

    Transferred to 379th Bomb Wing, Wurtsmith AFB, MI.

    1 July 1986

    Transferred to 416th Bomb Wing, Griffiss AFB, NY.

    31 July 1987

    Transferred to 379th Bomb Wing, Wurtsmith AFB, MI.
    Operated with markings: Whats Up Doc?

    4 February 1991

    Transferred to 806th Bomb Wing (Provisional), RAF Fairford, England.
    Operated with markings: Whats Up Doc?
    Flew combat missions during Operation Desert Storm.

    9 March 1991

    Transferred to 379th Bomb Wing, Wurtsmith AFB, MI.
    Operated with markings: Whats Up Doc?, K

    Involved in an incident.
    Developed a structural crack in a wing around the time Wurtsmith went on the BRAC list. Since the jets were being sent to AMARC, it wasnt fixed. So it spent months in hangar queen status pending a one-time flight to D-M. Naturally, it spent most of that time as a weapons load trainer, where it was used so much that one day grease seeped into a pressure-activated device and fired the front half of the explosive jettison system for the left pylon as the load crew pumped the pins into place. Nobody was hurt.

    10 June 1992

    Transferred to the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Center (AMARC) with inventory number BC397.

    31 October 2001

    Scrapped at Davis-Monthan AFB.

    After 31 October 2001

    To National Museum of the United States Air Force, Wright Field, Dayton, OH.
    Only the noseart survives at the NMUSAF.
    View the Location Dossier

    Data for airframe dossiers come from various sources. The following were used to compile this dossier...

    Print Sources
    The Stratofortress Catalog by Richard Serrano

    Internet Sources
    Air Force Historical Research Agency
    National Museum of the United States Air Force
    The AMARC Experience
    United States Military Services Serial Number Lists by Joe Baugher

    Individual Contributors
    Max Sabin

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