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    This page documents a history of a specific aircraft. The details provided vary from aircraft to aircraft and are dependent on the research and amount of data uploaded to the Aerial Visuals database.

    Airframe Family: Short S25 Solent/Sandringham/Sunderland
    Latest Model:Sandringham 4
    Last Military Serial:JM715 RAF
    Last Civil Registration:N158C
    Compressed ID:Short Sandringham 4 sn JM715 RAF cr...
    Latest Owner or Location:Solent Sky, Southampton, Southampton, England

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    If you have a photo of this airframe to share then use the photo upload tool.

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    Constructed as a Sunderland III.

    Taken on Strength/Charge with the Royal Air Force with s/n JM715.

    Circa April 1945

    Converted to a Sunderland V.
    Flown to Scottish Aviations Flying Boat Modification Unit, Cairds Yard, Greenock for conversion to Mk V.

    30 April 1947

    Converted to a Sandringham 4.
    New construction number, SH.55C, assigned to the airframe.
    Transferred to Short Bros and Harland, Belfast for conversion to Sandringham Mk IV Tasman Class.

    Circa May 1947

    To British Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation.

    29 May 1947

    Assigned civil registration: ZK-AMH
    Entered onto the New Zealand Aircraft Register.

    From 15 October 1947 to 29 October 1947

    Ferry flight.
    Route: Marseilles - Augusta (Sicily) - Cairo - Bahrein - Karachi - Calcutta - Rangoon - Bangkok - Singapore - Sourabaya - Darwin - Bowen - Sydney - Auckland.

    29 October 1947

    Leased to Tasman Empire Airways Ltd, Waitemata Harbour, Aukland, New Zealand.
    Named RMA Auckland.

    16 December 1949

    Withdrawn from use.
    Stored at Hobsonville, Auckland.


    To Barrier Reef Airlines, Australia with new c/r VH-BRC.
    Named *Coral Clipper*.

    15 December 1952

    To Ansett Flying Boat Services keeping c/r VH-BRC.
    Named *Beachcomber*.

    Circa 1966

    Photographer: William Wordsworth
    Notes: Departing Lord Howe Island (LDH). Aircraft is carrying the *Airlines of New South Wales* livery of the time.

    November 1972

    Photographer: Geoff Goodall
    Notes: Sandringham VH-BRC slowly moves to the mooring buoy on Lake Eucumbene, south of Sydney in November 1972. This large lake in the Snowy Mountains was the destination of an Aviation Historical Society of Australia charter from Sydney.VH-BRC was a Sandringham 4, previously TEAL ZK-AMH and originally RAF Sunderland III JM715

    10 September 1974

    To Antilles Air Boats, Inc (Virgin Islands) keeping c/r VH-BRC.
    Named *Southern Cross*.

    28 November 1974

    Assigned civil registration: N158C

    From 28 November 1974 to 9 December 1974

    Ferry flight.
    Route: Sydney (Rose Bay) - Pago Pago - Honolulu (Pearl Harbour) - San Francisco - Fort Worth (Texas) - Boston - St Croix.

    Circa March 1976

    Assigned civil registration: VP-LVE

    From 6 July 1976 to 26 August 1976

    Brief visits to Britain for pleasure flying at Poole and Calshot near Southhampton.

    From Circa August 1977 to 9 September 1977

    Loaned to Aer Arann, Ireland.
    Charted by Aer Arann, Ireland to conduct sight-seeing flights from Lough Derg.

    12 June 1978

    Certificate of airworthiness for N158C (S-25 SANDRINGHAM, JM-715) issued.

    17 June 1978

    To Antilles Air Boats, Christansted, British Virgin Islands keeping c/r VP-LVE.

    5 September 1980

    To Ronald N. Gillies, Corazon, PR with new c/r N158C.


    To Sandringham Society, Calshot.




    To Science Museum.

    To Solent Sky, Southampton, Southampton, England.
    View the Location Dossier


    Restoration started.
    The work was carried out by 424 (Southhampton) Squadron Air Training Corps.


    Placed on display in the Southhampton Hall of Aviation.

    September 1996

    Photographer: Brandon Kunicki
    Notes: Photographed at the Southhampton Hall of Aviation in the UK.

    1 January 2012

    Certificate of airworthiness for N158C (S-25 SANDRINGHAM, JM-715) issued.

    12 January 2012

    Photographer: Terry Fletcher
    Notes: Short Sandringham IV at the Solent Sky Museum in Southampton in the UK

    12 January 2012

    Photographer: Terry Fletcher
    Notes: Short Sandringham IV at the Solent Sky Museum in Southampton in the UK

    12 January 2012

    Photographer: Terry Fletcher
    Notes: Interior view of passenger access to the Short Sandringham IV at the Solent Sky Museum in Southampton in the UK

    12 January 2012

    Photographer: Terry Fletcher
    Notes: Short Sandringham IV at the Solent Sky Museum in Southampton in the UK

    31 January 2013

    Civil registration, N158C, cancelled.

    Photographer: Unknown

    This dossier is waiting for review by an editor.This airframe dossier is based on
    unreviewed imported data.
    If you can verify the documented history or add to it with additional text and/or photos please feel free to do so by using the upload tool and the history editor.

    Data for airframe dossiers come from various sources. The following were used to compile this dossier...

    Internet Sources by R. N. Smith
    Euro Demobbed by Horrex, Ray, Boulanger, Dunn, McGhee and Wood
    Federal Aviation Administration in the United States of America

    Individual Contributors
    Terry Fletcher
    William Wordsworth

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