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    This page documents a history of a specific aircraft. The details provided vary from aircraft to aircraft and are dependent on the research and amount of data uploaded to the Aerial Visuals database.

    Airframe Family: North American B-25/PBJ Mitchell
    Latest Model:B-25N Mitchell
    Last Military Serial:44-30861 USAAF
    Construction Number:108-34136
    Last Civil Registration:N9089Z
    Compressed ID:NA B-25N sn 44-30861 USAAF cn 108-3...
    Latest Owner or Location:Wings Museum, Balcombe, Handcross, West Sussex, England

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    If you have a photo of this airframe to share then use the photo upload tool.

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    If you have any news about this airframe or photos which you would like to share please do so
    by using the links above.
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    Constructed as a B-25N.

    Circa 1944

    Taken on Strength/Charge with the United States Army Air Force with s/n 44-30861.

    From 1959 to 1963

    To American Compressed Steel Corp/Aero American Corp, Cincinatti, OH with new c/r N9089Z.

    From 1961 to 1964

    Based in the UK as a camera aircraft for filming several movies.

    Circa 1962

    Photographer: Breeden Collection
    Notes: Biggin Hill

    From 1963 to 1966

    To Aero Associates Inc, Tucson, AZ keeping c/r N9089Z.

    9 May 1964

    Photographer: Steve Bond
    Notes: B-25 N9089Z Film Services at Biggin Hill (UK) on 9 May 1964

    From 1966 to 1 January 1967

    To Malcolm D. N. Fisher/Historical Aircraft Preservation Society, Biggin Hill, keeping c/r N9089Z.


    To British Historic Aircraft Museum, Southend.

    12 August 1969

    Photographer: John Smith
    Notes: 1969 photo of B-25N Mitchell taken at Southend Airport Museum by John Smith


    Restoration completed.
    Markings Applied: HD368, VO-A
    In the brown and green of 98 Squadron.

    31 January 1971

    Photographer: AAAAAAAAA Terry Jacobs 31-1-1971 and 13-12-2018
    Notes: After the move from the Eastern Perimiter at Southend Airport, we moved HD368/N9089Z to the new location just-off airport for the Historic Aircraft Museum-Southend to be open to the public in 1972. The move was undertaken during the weekend of the 18th October 1970 along with the other aircraft from the main-airport and being able to utilise the main-runway as the best route, was a very slow process as well as over rough ground too.

    14 May 1974

    Photographer: Peter Nicholson
    Notes: On display at the Historic Aircraft Museum at Southend Airport painted to represent Mitchell III HD 368 of 98 Squadron 2nd Tactical Air Force RAF.

    Circa 1976

    Photographer: Kenneth M. Hare Collection
    Notes: Mitchell III HD368 98 Squadron at Southend Municipal Ap., Essex

    14 January 1977

    Civil registration, N9089Z, cancelled.

    To John Hawke/Visionair.

    To Aces High, Duxford.


    Transported by ground.
    To North Weald.


    To Fighter Collection, Duxford.


    Transported by ground.
    Moved to Wycombe Air Park - stored in a dismantled state.

    On behalf of the owner stored with/at Parkhouse Aviation, Wycombe Air Park, Booker-Lane End, Buckinghamshire/Bucks, England.
    View the Location Dossier

    Markings Applied: Bedsheet Bomber

    25 March 2013

    Photographer: John Tomlinson
    Notes: 2013 photo in storage at Wycombe Air Park, Booker - N9089Z North American TB-25J Mitchell C/n 108-34136 Preserved (In two pieces. Back end on the left and the front / nose in the middle)

    4 February 2017

    Civil registration, N9089Z, cancelled.

    July 2019

    To Wings Museum, Balcombe, Handcross, West Sussex, England.
    Undergoing rebuild in the workshop.
    View the Location Dossier

    25 July 2021

    Photographer: Andrew Appleton
    Notes: The forward fuselage of B-25 N9089Z in the workshop at Wings Aviation Museum on 25 July 2021.

    This dossier is waiting for review by an editor.This airframe dossier is based on
    unreviewed imported data.
    If you can verify the documented history or add to it with additional text and/or photos please feel free to do so by using the upload tool and the history editor.

    Data for airframe dossiers come from various sources. The following were used to compile this dossier...

    Print Sources
    Wrecks and Relics

    Internet Sources
    Aerial Visuals - The Locator by Mike Henniger, Senior Editor
    Federal Aviation Administration in the United States of America
    United Kingdom Demobbed by Horrex, Ray, Boulanger, Dunn, McGhee amp; Wood

    Individual Contributors
    Andrew Appleton
    Terry Fletcher

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