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    Site Coordinates The Aircraft
    A 14 31 15.01 N 121 00 08.32 E
    Beech H18, c/n BA-669, c/r RP-C984 -
    B 14 31 15.24 N 121 00 08.61 E
    Beech E18S, c/n BA-126, c/r RP-C707 -
    C 14 31 15.13 N 121 00 09.17 E
    1: Beech 18
    D 14 31 14.67 N 121 00 08.64 E
    1: Beech 18
    E 14 31 14.71 N 121 00 09.23 E
    1: Beech 18
    F 14 31 14.71 N 121 00 09.82 E
    1: Beech 18
    G 14 31 15.57 N 121 00 09.52 E
    Douglas VC-47D, s/n 348310 RMoAF, c/n 14126, c/r RP-C1353 -
    H 14 31 18.48 N 121 00 12.54 E
    Douglas C-47A-80-DL, s/n 315272 USN, c/n 19738, c/r RP-C758 -
    I 14 31 13.25 N 121 00 16.36 E
    Douglas VC-47D, s/n 43-16364 USAAF, c/n 20830, c/r N102DH -
    J 14 31 13.73 N 121 00 17.18 E
    Douglas C-49E, s/n 42-56106 USAAF, c/n 02217, c/r RP-C368 -
    K 14 31 13.58 N 121 00 17.89 E
    L 14 31 13.04 N 121 00 18.83 E
    M 14 31 10.01 N 121 00 16.25 E
    Douglas C-47B-1-DL, s/n 43-16301 USAAF, c/n 20767, c/r RP-C147 {2} -
    N 14 31 10.58 N 121 00 19.48 E
    Airframes not on-site...
    Lockheed C-121J Super Constellation, s/n 131643 USN, c/n 4144, c/r N4247K - - Edit (1) ,
    Your Assistance is needed!: This airframe has been sold to a new owner in Australia. Please inform Aerial Visuals when it has left this location.
    O 14 31 11.14 N 121 00 20.18 E
    Antonov An-24B, c/n 77303809, c/r RP-C7205 -
    P 14 31 09.59 N 121 00 19.52 E
    Nihon Aeroplane Manufacturing Company (NAMC) YS-11A-200, c/n 2168, c/r RP-C3588 -
    Q 14 31 09.88 N 121 00 20.75 E
    Nihon Aeroplane Manufacturing Company (NAMC) YS-11A-200, c/n 2069, c/r RP-C3587 -
    R 14 31 03.12 N 121 00 18.09 E
    Britten-Norman BN-2A Mk III-3 Trislander, c/n 1024, c/r G-OJAV -
    Britten-Norman BN-2A Mk III-3 Trislander, c/n 1025, c/r G-BDOT -
    Britten-Norman BN-2A Mk III-3 Trislander, c/n 361, c/r C-GOXZ -
    S 14 31 11.59 N 121 00 05.09 E
    de Havilland Canada DHC-7-101 Dash 7, c/n 18, c/r RP-C2996 -
    de Havilland Canada DHC-7-101 Dash 7, c/n 79, c/r RP-C2978 -
    de Havilland Canada DHC-7-101 Dash 7, c/n 90, c/r RP-C2955 -
    T Douglas C-47A-30-DK, s/n 236 NASA, c/n 13902, c/r RP-C1352 -
    Douglas C-47B-1-DK, s/n 43-48476 USAAF, c/n 14292, c/r RP-C550 -
    Douglas C-47B-20-DK, s/n 43-49755 USAAF, c/n 15571, c/r RP-C535 -
    Douglas C-54Q Skymaster, s/n 56536 USN, c/n 22172, c/r RP-C325 -
    Nihon Aeroplane Manufacturing Company (NAMC) YS-11A-200, c/n 2079, c/r RP-C2252 -
    Your Assistance is needed!: These airframes may be based or stored here and should possibly be assigned to one of the sites above. Can you confirm? If so where exactly are they?
    U These airframes were once stored or based here but have moved on.
    Airframes not on-site...
    Douglas C-47A-30-DL, s/n 223663 PhiAF, c/n 09525, c/r RP-C1101 - - Edit (1) ,

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